Tuesday 18 March 2014

Spring is sprung

Der spring is sprung
Der grass is riz
I wonder where dem boidies is?
Dem little boids is on der wing
Ain't dat absoid?
Der little wings is on de boid 

Tentatively... I think ... Spring is sprung.  And what a difference a week of sunshine makes.  We have fed lambs, ridden ponies, turned 2, hunted snails, terrorised ducks, collected frog spawn, got muddy, made pies, eaten lots.

Waiting to feed the lambs

A gorgeous day to be 2.  Overdosed on pink and Dolly Mixtures.  Even I went to bed feeling sick.

This pair.  Exploring and collecting.  

Sunshine lunch.  Plus Wotsits obviously.

Evening snail hunting ..... 

A good haul.  Some not so dead.

3 things I learnt from frog spawn collecting:

#1 A fishing net would have been useful
#2 Little boys are compelled to cuddle frog spawn.  Before they accidentally kick over the jam jar.
#3 There is a BIG hole in my left welly.