Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Is it nearly Christmas yet?

Today I have mostly been inappropriately dressed.  

My wardrobe is in complete denial about the change of season and there are only 68 shopping days left until Christmas!

My house, on the other hand, can't wait for Christmas.  I'm itching to hang these stockings I bought from Love Lottie Knits at a fair I did in early September!  I BLOODY LOVE them. You can find her on Facebook at

Bought a few other non-festive bits too...

Oh and then went back for this....

So I'm ready for Christmas now.

And I don't want to worry you but shouldn't you be thinking about soaking the fruit for the Xmas pudding about now?


  1. great to find you, love from another uk blogger who also would have loved those trays and boxes of dolls xxxx

  2. glad to hear you are dressed unsuitably, carry on blogging :) xxx
